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Fearless Practitioners

Aug 16, 2022

Shadowing can be effective in building up your counseling skills.

Fearless Practitioners - Ep. 168 - Building Up Your Clinical Skills with Shadowing

Do you remember that class in school when you had to role play as one person was the patient and everyone would watch you counsel the patient? That was the worst.

Yet, now in our professional lives, we don’t always have an opportunity for having feedback on our counseling skills.

Having another provider shadow is one of the most valuable things you can do to build up your clinical toolkit and skills.

Let’s talk about how and why you should add shadowing to your clinical plan for your practice and yourself.

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  • Why shadowing is so effective in building up your counseling skills
  • Who should shadow you
    • Schedule a time with your supervisor, mentor or peer to shadow your sessions
  • What to do with the feedback...develop a growth plan with your supervisor to help you grow as a clinician



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